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According to Ringo Starr he did. Surely his parents would have known. I wouldn't have gone along with the pretence if it was my son. Or has Ringo gone ga ga ?...
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i made a video in microsoft movie maker and put it on a usb pen ,which is formatted to fat32 as my tv asks for ,but it will not open ,can anyone help me out as to how to get it to open or what format...
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I have been using the Tesco Credit Card for everything I possibly can for years. I pay it off in full each month so it does not cost me anything, and I make around £20 a month in Tesco Clubcard...
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Can the younger generation no longer use a telephone? I heard recently that my sister who lives 25 miles away had a heart attack, how did I hear? my daughter who lives in Scotland emailed me to say...
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A vote to remain is a vote to give up democracy. What could be more important? The movie shows that the failing EU is protectionist and nothing more than a fat cat club. I am disgusted with Labour for...
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What is the easiest way to convert INR to USD and INR to EUR and vice versa.
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Having some trouble with Google maps. Every time I try it, comes up with "unresponsive script". When I click continue, map does comes up, but when I type things into the search box it comes up with...
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When fishing for fun, what do you do if the fish dies when taking the hook out?
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while using google chrome on my android phone i had a pop up saying i had a virus from an adult channel i recently watched,i`ve never watched one so i uninstalled google chrome and a scan says my...
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at 6 mins 30 seconds there is an excellent guitar track on this video please someone tell me who its by ? AS I want to buy the CD Thanx people...
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Will my home pc (windows 8.1) automatically update to Windows 10? thanks for the help...
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Could it be because she is not a highly paid footballer?...
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ToraToraTora According to MP Pat Glass you are! why are Labour so anti British?...
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friend used some carpet adhesive roll to stop her rug slipping on her dark laminate floor but has left a sticky residue behind. she hasn't tried to remove it yet as she doesn't want to do any damage...
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i have an appointment at optical express, eye surgery starts from £595 per eye , which i think is a great price if it goes well and eye can see perfect again. are there any cheaper options in uk ?...
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do they work ? i put a few pounds on recently , not much but i want to lose some body fat. do these work ? obviously along with healthy diet etc....
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ToraToraTora Why is a site of this public standing not using 1 way encryption? It's not possible to steal a PW if it is only stored as encrypted using a 1 way...
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ToraToraTora If moderate muslims do in fact exist then this request should not be a problem should it?...
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Roughly a month ago (in fact, on 13th April) I caught the end of an item in a short news bulletin on radio. It was reported that (I think) a large study done somewhere by somebody had found that, yes,...

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