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Ive spent the last couple of weeks experiencing the above. Why? I am only one of BILLIONS of people (or lifeforms) that have popped by to say hello to planet Earth. A brief spark, in the great scheme...
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Do difficult times draw you closer to God or repel you from Him? People respond to tragedy in different ways, some turn to God and find some solace in Him, others are so angry or hurt they turn away...
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Or have you all been seduced by Popery?
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Well that crêpe'd up on us, didn't it?...
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Tuesday. Nothing happening outside at the moment, it's waiting for me to go out methinks. My mate across the road wants me to hold his hand while he goes to the bank, then for his jab. Such is lfe!...
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Was this phrase, repeated three times, once used in certain cultures to legally end a marriage, or have I imagined it ? D...
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Good Morning Early Birds! Monday. I hope it's a lot better than yesterday! Rain all day and non too warm either! Not too much to do today, got a lot done while it was raining yesterday. Just the usual...
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Gen. 3: 1 Satan continues to ask the same question he asked Eve in the garden of Eden: ?? Does God really not approve ? of same-sex marriage? ?? Satan, the god of this system of things .? ask your...
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Apart from the appaling antics of Sadiq Khan's tax-funded employee-moron, this short video shows the queen to be in a vulnerable open position at the end of the row next to the steps. Why didn't the...
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Quote,""He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”" Talk about rats deserting a sinking...
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Chestfeed instead of breastfeed. What other name for 'menstruate' as men never do?...
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New Judge
When will the police appreciate (and stick to) the extent of their powers?: Police were left "outnumbered" and "hugely frustrated" when hundreds of...
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So the Duchess of Sussex has won her High Court privacy case against Associated Newspapers. How did Associated Newspapers get hold of her letter in the first place?...
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Saturday. It's still chilly outside. I'm not intending to be out long when I go out. Never mind, soon be spring! Have a happy day everyone....
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Isn't it a fantastic achievement for Boris' Vaccine Taskforce, now having vaccinated more UK residents that the entire 27 countries of the EU combined have done for theirs? Lots of men & women deserve...
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...and bearing mind Spare Eds OP earlier in the week, I hope this is in the right category. Understand this: I am not a Covid denyer: I don't believe in Covid Conspiracy: I have never said anything...
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Friday. the weekend is almost upon us. It would be nice if the weather improved! Not much to do today. Fine by me! Have as happy day everyone....
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Things you do as you get older. (Over 40 lol). I’ll start...... 1. Walking upstairs then you get to the top and can’t remember hey you even went up there!!.......... Carry on lol!...
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ToraToraTora OK so we know that less than 1% of people are TG, right? so who is spending all their time scanning the airwaves for even the...

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