Today is the 100th year since the Titanic went down. Im sure prayers all over the country will be going out today for those who were lost It must have been really terrifying for all those who knew...
For any expert gardener out there, of which Im not. I would like to plant a pot up with the Jubilee colours, red, white and blue in time to be at its best by Diamond Jubilee day 5th June. Any... This is the place where I live. Just thought I would share. I cant beleive that it was the first for surfing though, although someone has to be first. If...
Im always amazed how some folk carry around great big bulging purses around with them. Not with money but wads of credit cards, photos, receipts etc. I actually hate big purses. I prefer just a little...
Talking about the Paddington Bear birthday reminded me of the books we read to our son ( now 32 ). Paddington, Captain Pugwash, Thomas the Tank Engine and his favourite, all the Mr Men series. When I...
Its Paddington Bears 50 birthday today. Me and OH were discussing about birthdays when we were younger and I just happened to mention to him that none of us or close friends ever had birthday parties....
In the latest ` yours ` mag a feature for joint pain (not an ad ) recommended Litozin joint health capsules. Her story seemed really inspiring and wondered if anyone else had tried these. They are...
How about seeing if you can name a celebrity, song or film with some connection to Easter just for a bit of fun. I will start with
The chicken song and My Easter Bonnet...
Its amazing how some researchers can misinterpret some information. Years ago a lovely elderly couple contacted me regarding family research. The wife had been at school with my dads sister who died...
I have a very small patch of dry rough skin on the left side of my nostril. Ive had it about 3 weeks now and tried every cream I can think of to moisturise it and get rid of it but nothing seems to be...
http://www.telegraph....-London-Olympics.html Read about this in the Telegraph on Saturday. They say that doing any physical exercise outside whilst the pollution is so high, could be dangerous. How...
I know Im sad but.......... I love watching Dr Quinn, Medicine woman, usually whilst Im on here like now. But yesterdays prgramme, they were sat under a full moon, the following day another full moon...
Earlier I was pottering around in the garden and noticed loads of very small ladybirds on undersides of plant leaves. Perhaps this is a sign of good weather ( 1976 ladybirds ) Are they baby ones or is...
Or should I say, sitting down decreases it. Just got round to reading this. What are they going to come out with next, apart from eating a large amount of choc helps you to keep slim ?...
Im really angry at the moment and have come on here to calm down, hopefully. Im just so fed up with arriving at work to find that the shift on yesterday after I left, didnt do anything except sit...
I received a letter yesterday from Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow trust saying my name has now been taken off the doner register as I am now 60. once I was almost called up to give bone marrow many years...
at last.... :>) After a terrible day here on the east coast yesterday with lots of sea mist, its now lovely today and its nearly Easter, yummy excuse for choc
Thought I would do all bedding and towels this morning in my new WM. The instructions are a bit difficult to understand for times etc. So I put it on boil wash and it took 2 hours !! Is this normal,...