Its amazing what records/story's they dig up about peoples lives, and some with dark secrets. Today, this gay man who was in the Navy, had to change his name, as if he was found out, he would be...
I've got this app on my phone - the basic features Does anyone else here use this app ? Is it worth upgrading to the full features - like pointing your phone at an aircraft in the sky , to find out...
Morning all. I was wondering whether anyone out there suffers with a 'long term' balance disorder? Just over a year ago I woke up with horrendous dizziness, nystamus (rolling eyes) and felt very...
I should know the answer to this but can you hang new wallpaper on top of old plain, unpatterned wallpaper which is sound and non peeling ?
Just can't be bothered to scrape old stuff off...
channel 5 have broadcast three episodes of the latest series, now, in their wisdom, they have decided to move it to freeview30 channel 5star on tuesday nights 10pm...
Can anyone recommend a reasonable priced policy for pre existing medical conditions please.
The quotes coming in are as expensive as my flights to the USA!...
Malwarebytes keep mithering me to pay for it now that my "free trial has expired". I'm sure I opted for the free one when I first got it, but was it for a limited period only? I know I can't expect to...
But it seems I have been misled: “Almost half of Britons pay no income tax while the...
i cant remember if i posted this a few months ago, but i was concerned when i was told my cholestrol was 226, that was over 3 mnths ago. got a new reading today, its now 178....
We were going on holiday to Brittany in June. Due to OH's illness we have had to cancel. His holiday insurance runs out in May. There is no chance of him getting it again at an affordable price. They...