These two guys and their families seem remarkably smiley and pleased with themselves despite their thoroughly unpleasant claims. Which parent in their right mind would let their child spend nights in...
Lately I’ve found that every time I use my iPad I have to reconnect to the Internet. It never used to be like this - I used to be permanently connected, so how do I get back to that? Hopefully...
Pretty Stacey Dooley won Strictly 2018 though she wasn't the best dancer. Pretty 14-year old Ellie won The Greatest Dancer. Pretty young pro skater Vanessa Bauer won Dancing On Ice last year and is...
Why all the fuss about Bros? They were rubbish first time around, with only two hits anyone can remember. Baffling that The BRITS are embracing such a naff 1980s duo. That infamous documentary made...
How miserable and samey is most of today’s pop music? Hardly any decent tunes, inaudible lyrics, stupid hand movements that suggest they affect the voice but of course they don’t, predictable...
I enjoy skating, but there's an ad on after every act. Someone told me to record it, but I will be recording everything, and my recorder only does one thing at a time. Just having a little moan.
Settled down to watch the England/France game, but why oh why do they have to have that flippin' soprano woman singing the national anthem? I love to hear the team and spectators singing but her voice...
No way Torvill & Dean performed live tonight, despite efforts to make it look like that. As for Gemma, did she really fall by accident or deliberately dive?...
What do you think of Zoe Ball's breakfast show so far? Or have you switched to Virgin to stay with Chris Evans? (I see his family are even more involved now....zzzz) For my money, nothing beats Mike...