A Utah man drives a wagon 30 feet across the flats. He yells "Gee ho!" and then drives the wagon 30 feet. He yells "Haw!" and then drives the wagon 10 feet. He yells "Whoa!" How far is the man from...
One disturbs the peace and the other keeps it. The third like to take matters into its own hands. All three come fron the same Chrome horse corral. What is the corral and all three?
In Oregon, to kick things off with luck, This competition always starts the same: With an official screaming loudly, "Let 'er Buck!" What is the competition's name?
Why is it that on the toothpaste adverts, the people always have sparkling teeth, yet when i use the toothpaste, my teeth remain slightly yellowy and not sparkling white? Obviously the people's teeth...