I'm bored. Anyone up for a quiz?
Same as No Mercy's quiz yesterday, first one to get the correct answer then asks the next question.
I'll start,
What US city hosted the 1985 Live Aid concert?...
sister-in-law rang me(she lives in Canada)full of enthusiasm for Downton abbey loved every minute-apparently it said at the end next series to come. She wanted to know when it would be shown ,.I did...
After deciding a few months ago that January'11 was the right time, I gave up smoking a few days back. I've not gone for patches or gum or anything, yet surprisingly I dont have any cravings...
i've seen the light! i've just been reading some of my older posts about my ex and i, and our turbulent relationship, and i can CLEARLY see a controlling pattern going on. I'm pretty confident that i...
living in hopes!!Have copd-still moderate but I am finding it increasingly difficult to do anything without gasping-do not smoke have inhalers-ventolin spirova-simbutin go for -physio does anyone have...
I described Jan 2010 20 relatives hoping to share £400.000 of Uncles will.A godson no relation challenged will saying godfather (no relation) said all should go to him.For 4 years the...
need you- lie -in -king been asking since wed -no luck 1 overturned first class fragment of bone(5)no letters could it be tribia 2 a mistake about ring left at rthe end(7)A?????H 3ride the horse but...
To Clanad in the US of A , why don`t you yanks learn that the correct way to make a `nice cup of tea` is to use BOILING water poured over the tea-bag and left for a short while or longer (according to...
1old ship and the pirate(7)????a?? 2.occassion of jam session for alice?(9)??s?e???? 3Overturned first class fragment of bone(5)-------no letters 4 Fool takes hot platterfor saucers perhaps(8)????r???...
1.occasion of jam session for alice(9)??s?e?r?? 2.Bring the starter and have a bite(4)e?c? 3.overturned first class fragment of bone(5)??c?? 4They charge for the paints(7)p?i?e?s 5fool takes hot...
The old favourite. I think of a person, you guess who I am by asking yes or no questions.
First person to guess right gets to go next.
Let's go,
(PS I'm bored at work, does it show?)...
1.son took part in game,keeping his legsapart(7) s?l???D
2.sporting body having meeting in the country(7) r?r?L??---------suppose something rural but not sure what...