I need to cut some of my conifers as they are getting to tall. So can I just cut them straight across to shorten them or am I supposed to cut at an angle/
I have a silver birch tree in my driveway and if i leave the car parked under it for any length of time it gets covered in gluey sappy stuff. What i need to know is will this do my cars paintwork any...
What phrase do people use to describe rain. Apart from the usual Pouring with rain, Raining cats and dogs, Pelting it down, P*ssing it down, teaming with rain. What term do you use?
I have two overgrown plants. One is a yew and the other is a box plant. Is it possible to take cuttings from these and propagate new plants from them? Sorry to be ignorant about the possibilites....
My "garden" consists of a few chilli plants on my kitchen shelf. I noticed that one plant is crawling with tiny wingless aphids, and they will no doubt spread to the other plants. I can't think what I...
Two mushroom circles have taken hold on the grass lawn with 2 metre diameters. Even if the grass is cut the mushrooms come back within a day or two. How can these be removed for good?
We have loads of grey squirrels that come into our garden -dig up seedlings and eat new growth.So I'm used to seeing (and chasing) them . Yesterday I saw a squirrel that was definitely NOT grey. It...
Hi we have recently moved into a house where the garage is at the bottom of the garden. To one side of the garage the previous owners allowed a young Horse Chestnut tree to grow. The tree is currently...
thank you Thunderbird , on trhe nose with juncus effusus spiralis, next is a plant with large grey green dull flat leaves with irregular top edge like fat antlers. new leaves seema bit furry and pale....
Apart from getting someone else to do it, tried that, didn't work, has anyone any idea what the easiest way to get rid of weeds growing between the flags on my drive is? I suffer with arthritis so...
I recently repotted my African Violets and have noticed lots of little black flys hanging around them. They aren't 'black fly'. These are much smaller... a bit like those little fruit flys you get...
I bought a plant with no identity label. It is like a bundle of green stringy 'leaves' around 12" long , some in corkscrews others curly or straight. Very dramatic but what can it be?
I have a house in France that I visit about 4 times a year. It has 2 gardens - one is approx 1500 sq yards & the other is 900 sq yds. With the best will in the world I can't keep on top of them & as I...
i had a lovely tree in my garden it was similar to the salix an umbrella shaped tree v nice it was deciduos no flowers when we move3d to the property i remember the previous owner saying it was...