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Jennifer's wedding day was fast approaching. Nothing could dampen her excitement -- not even her parents' nasty divorce. Her mother had found the PERFECT dress to wear and would be the best dressed...
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ok so I have this 1.75 (internal) metre boat that is inflatable. can I inflate it and fill it with water without damage ? i mean is that going to be too much strain ? it can take on the water (as a...
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What is the difference between the two (is a lawyer just an Americanism?)
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How do sky cards actually work. I pay a nominal monthly fee to Sky for the card which they then activate. However l can buy a card from the Internet which works in all boxes, not contact Sky at all,...
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is the pin number on credit card or interact?
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Hi, I asa just wondering if anyone knows how the bike in the orange advert rides itself? The pedals don't seem to be turning so I wouldn't think they had just deleted the rider. Its probably really...
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i have always wondered how a calculator works i mean how can it work out those sums so fast?
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So I have this strimmer and for lack of about 0.5% of 2.5 % of oil so I popped some gear oil in (85W - something) OK well obviously it is doing fine as especially with this heat I bet a little thicker...
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We have the thing to measure blood pressure, stetscope and the thing you put around your arm with the pump but are unsure as to how it works, anybody able to explain ? thanks Simon
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hi all just started downloading films and want to burn them to cd i'm using nero to convert it but when i try to copy it says 'disk not enough space' i know it can be put onto a 80 min cd but how?
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What I wanted to know is, is it necessary for any reason at all for a drill to be inside the house rather than in the guarage?
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I am a british citizen that lives and works in Italy. I intend returning to England shortly and my Romanian coworker would like to come over as well to live. what do we have to do ? he is a Romanian...
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How do you make yogurt. is it ok to start with UHT full cream (so they say) milk. I am buying a very thick yogurt is this ok to start it off ?
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OK so I wrote my car off and obviously the radiator is wrecked. But the engine is untouched and starts ok however it is obviously without water cooling. the motor warning light did not come on until...
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What is it actually measuring in your breath, and how does it get there? I realise that the alcahol has been absorbed by the stomach into your blood stream, but is it then excreted as a gas by your...
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Lets say, just to add a bit of a story to the question... you were walking along the road and came acorss say a genie and instead of granting you three wishes he tells your future and shows you what...
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Does anyone know any of the theories regarding this way to avoid the faster-than-light limitations?
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Hi. has anyone been on on of these language holidays, if so...what was it like? and would you recommend it? I'm specifically looking at Italy
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Tom sawyer
what is the measuring unit of light?
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Following surgery, my girlfriend has metal screws in both of her legs. We were wondering what would happen in the event of her receiving an electrical shock?!

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