Hi all, (have put this in 'family' topics too by mistake) I don't really know what my question is as such, it's more me wanting thoughts and opinions I guess. I have been married for 8 years now and...
Going through some old photos - always cringe making - I have found a photo of me at the seaside when I was 10 or 11. I am wearing a hand-knitted swimsuit and the horror has come back to me. Of...
I am planning on watching a really Scary film on Halloween just as a bit of fun. I dont usually watch scary films so I am wanting to watch one of the most horrible scary films ever. anyone know any.
Given that Bonfire Night is on a Wednesday this year and that will probably mean a whole week of two scared wee thugs, has anyone any advice for me on preventing meltdown in the J household ? I've...
my credit card was with Morgan Stanley for many years and they were great. Goldfish took it over, and they were fine. now Barclaycard have taken over.. what a bunch of monkeys! (can I get sued for...
Hi I have made an appointment to have my 15 year old collie but to sleep next week which i am absolutely dreading. I can't get the idea out of my head that i'm killing her. She is on both Rimadyl and...
hi, i was driving on a 50 mph duel carraige way and was caught speeding at 80mph by traffic police. i have no points on my licence, but have only held it for 6 months. they confiscated my licence, and...
The author of a controversial novel about the Prophet Muhammad has postponed its UK publication. What a disgrace, welcome to britistan 2008, Im going to make a point of buying this book......
Did anyone just watch the interview with Aron and Ben peakes parents on this morning? I am in bits after listening to them speak. How heartbreaking. :-( How one man can destroy so many lives because...
We live on the old site of a mental hospital (its nice really). A few ghostly going ons have occured previously and a clairvoyant told us we had a portal in the lounge after doing a home reading! We...
I don't have a great interest or understanding about how these things work so can anyone explain why, when the authorities and other institutions are moaning that they have no money to do anything...
I was just playing on Google Maps and zoomed right in on this location and I noticed that a lot of the cars are parked extremely strangly. I assume it is a car depot/showroom of some sort but can...
How did friends, relatives, anyone not see what had been going on? How could the mother do nothing? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-107589 1/Cannabis-abuser-snapped-16-month-old-daughte...