Q.72 P Q.74. Port is left on the side every time he is all at sea. I have only 2 answers left which are sailor & midshipman Could these 2 answers fit the 2 questions. If not it means i have got... ...
Help please - I must have made a mistake as I have one answer left, BARBER, and one question, number 70 - One who is seldom seen on the seas, as his business is taking a dive. Must have gone wrong... ...
Having watched the full series on I-Player, I came to the conclusion that Savile would have gotten away with it even if he had been put on trial. That never happened of course.
Help please. 3/ Was aware of panda’s bamboo favourite 5/ For each stop take in vital air laughing firstly 29/ A defeat in returned mob 3Slang for a tobacco roll nest realigned 37/ Sir’s wife flyers...
...let he who is without sin etc. It's over lets move on....
....one word of at least 5 letters from the lyrics of Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins. Obviously HTTD is itself banned. Here are the lyrics: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/kennyloggins/dangerzone.html...
Showed them yesterday how to bow out gracefully leaving them wanting more.
The fact that he's gone but the Vine character is still there tells much about those in charge at the BBC....
Elements from the Periodic table
1/ Water powered on 7,5 14 (8)
4/ Catalogue shop loses on direction ,gains another ( 5)
6/ Rather stupid nasty trick we hear ( 7)
Thank you ....