each othr personally?? otherwise i guess you have a mental image of what each other looks like!?? even your usernames sometimes i think gives u a mental image however wrong!!?? anyone brave enough to...
what u hve taken? one time..i got up in middle of night - took bottle of water...checked out at reception and they knew how could that be!? no-one could havebeen in the room!! haha boggles my mind-...
when ur single...and people consantly tell u that u need a man or that u have to get back in that shop window
aarghhhh- mothers in particular!!! it drives me mad im only 22 ffs!!!!xxxx...
my brother is a boxer an he's having his 1st fight saturday we've been thinkin of songs for him to come out to.. ive said white stripes 7nation army, but what other ones would you recomend all replys...
ive been sooo bad i had 3 bags yesterday (smaller multipck bags) and 4 today im sure theyre not as full as they used to be hahah i know its ridiculous...ive been comfort eating today...bad tinkerbell...
Hi, Last Dec. I bought two ball point pens that write in gold and silver for doing the Christmas cards. Although both still have a lot of ink in them they won't write. I'm sure some bright spark out...
I love my husband. In so many ways he is the perfect father but lately, I'm getting worried!! We have two young children who can, obviously, be naughty a lot of the time. He is a large man and he...
hi my daughter she is 5years old and she constantly thinks she is going to die. im not sure if this could be a phase of trying to understand dying or weather she has a problem someone please help as i...
It means you didn't hold the pillow down long enough. Are you pro or anti spouse-murder? What would be any extenuating circumstances for doing so? Will anyone on here actually admit to murdering a...
omg i think i am dying im getn worse- last night i couldnt sleep coz of hallucinations and tried havn bath..im too hot..too cold. back n neck r agony!! thoat isnt as bad anymore got 8 cocodamol a day...
I read somewhere recently that a secretary after a call of nature returned to her computer to find to everybody's amusement that everything on her screen had turned upside down, this was said to be a...
A new report records an increase in violence by women.It has been suggested that a principal cause is binge drinking. An MP has proposed that taxes on high alcohol drinks and cheap supermarket beer...
My son is 16 this w/e and he's having a party at home. The boys will be drinking beer (in moderation) but what can I give the girls (most of which are only 15) which will get them in the mood without...
I have not been very well with depression and cant get motivated to go out - I live on my own - I was wondering is there anything interesting to do on the computer. Apart from reading news etc. Thanks...
I told you about my friend who has had to put her husband of 49 years into care because she can no longer care for him , he has A lzheimers. We have decided to do a life diary for him , with lots of...