this is the real site now, lol honest ff.shtml please can you report my other posts, there were completly wrong. thanks hope you find what you are...
Hi All - Any idea where I can buy a childs Children in Need - Pudsey Bear T-shirt/Sweatshire.? I bought one a couple of years ago in Asda, but not doing this year - thanks
anyone know a website or something where you can find out whats happened to celebs who have kinda just disappeared??? what theyre up to now type thing? ive always wondered!
Hi, my 3 year old has had a nasty sounding cough for 3 days now and I am unsure whether she needs to see a doctor. I know there is alot of coughs and colds going round and it is usually a virus so I...
You've all had a full 24 hours to sleep on it, and probably all seen the tabloid the head lines today. Has your opinion changed of her? Do you think of her any differently?
We sold a car with a receipt saying 'sold as seen'. We now have been contacted by the buyer saying the car was not fully serviced as we mentioned in our advert. The car has gone up in flames and come...
Is there a way of seeing all the questions asked today or do you have to go into each and every topic? Also is there a way to turn off receiving emails each time a question is answered?
Do you think the UK celebrate halloween for the right reasons? Why is it that children have to plaster your vehicle with flour if you don't give them money any more. Sweets apparently aren't good...
My boss recently deceided to restructure the company due to increased business. I currently run 4 departments and as each of these is getting busier, we agreed that we should take some-one on to...
I think it would be a great idea if books were rated on the back like films. They should have an age group and then adult ones have a little tick for sex, swearing etc. I have a cupboard full of books...
My 9 year old daughter usually has beautiful long hair which is very easy to manage. However, we went away to Malta for a week and the combination of sun, chlorine from the freshwater pool and salt...
Did anyone go to private school? If you did, I am interested in your views and experiences, especially if you did not come from a wealthy family. i.e. you were one of the 'poorer' kids!