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Can anyone help please. I'm stuck on the last one, 54a Allocate (funds) to one purpose (4-5). M?N? F?N?E. Thanks in anticipation
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Foursomes - each letter stands for a word. I think the "T V" could be a book/film title or maybe a person/place name. Hope you can help me....
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Unlike today nothing J???? (Though there WAS a lot of danger.)(5) The answer is a festive type word. Apart from Jolly or Jelly I haven't a clue what it could be - if anyone out there can help I would...
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I'm stuck n the last one :- Purple colour; plant (8) A?R?A?TorB? Many thanks in advance of your replies....
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Answer is 6 words long 6, 2, 5, 3, 6, 12 - Dear companion of the somewhat gentler sun?
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Song title - 5 words long - containing autumn/wintery words/words (but not about Christmas) First letters of title words are C, I, A, S, G. If anyone can help 'd be most grateful.
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33 Dn Affectionate, emotional 6-5. I have T?U?H? - FIERY can anyone help me with this last clue please?
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Famous people, (onenamers, living or dead) Miss Harry? (6); Lower digit sucker (6); Argument with Annie, say? (7); Was his nose not working as he made music? (4) Please help with these last four....
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I'm stuck on this one and will be grateful if anyone can help. The answer is the breed of a horse. Cleverly Impersonated on some current insurance ads! (6 letters)...
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The answers are all song titles contain a male name. 1. Does his head rest on his chest amongst all the tears? 4,4,4,4,3,6. 2. Now you know you're home! 4,3,4,3,3. 3. Sad winter thermals? 4,4,5....
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36 ac (Of an accent) precisely enunciated. This is the last one - can anyone please help?
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Stuck on last one - can anyone help please? 51ac A Cupid - I have A-O-I-O
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Please can anyone help with the last one - 42 dn. Do something with a little time to spare C*T *N *I*E
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Thanks for your answers but is Ancient Scottish Kingdom ALBAN or ALBYN - I haven't the foggiest. Please help
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26ac Ancient Scottish Kingdom A?B?N Help would be appreciated for this last clue
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Last one! 13d Unhappy, bad tempered ?I?E?I?H can the answer be vixenish or viperish?
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Stuck on last 2 clues - can anyone help? 39ac Country of SE Asia M?A?M?R and 50ac Occur as a result E?E?T?A?E
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Feel embarrassed about this last one - 1ac Relating to crosswords - I have C?U?I?E?B?L Hope someone out there can help!
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50a Site of film studio west of London - Is it Shepperton? Please help me on the last clue.
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Stuck on last one - 49 dn Opponent of Ghibellines - thought answer should be Guelph but doesn't fit!

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