I recently bought a terrestrial digital TV box but cannot receive any ITV channels. In fact I can't get Channel 4 and 5 either. According to Freeview.co.uk, my postcode is in the catchment area and I...
I'm trying to get my webcam on my website. I'd like to picture to refresh every 30 seconds or so. I've tried a couple of free ad-supported programs, but neither are perfect. Can anyone recommend a...
If an iron ball was to pass through a tight coil of wire to produce an electric current, would this cause the ball to slow down at all? What I mean is, if a toaster or something was wired up to the...
In the flim, 'The Matrix'. Neo - the main character - receives a phone in a fed-ex package when he's in his office. I'd like to ascertain which ringtone this is and where to download it from.
This is my first attempt to write something with a few of the twiddly bits added. I've tried my best not to over do it as you said, but I tend to get a bit carried away! SOooo - What do you think?...
Where in Britain do people speak in a 'brummie' accent? I keep getting mixed up. Is it the same as liverpudlian? So where is Cilla Black from then - where people appear not to be able to pronounce...
I added it to the search engine in AB and it didn't know. I asked Jeeves and he shrugged his shoulders. I emailed all my mates and they could not reply. I searched Altavista, Google, Yellow Pages, the...
Can a multimeter (which the trainspotter in me has always wanted to own) measure the mAH of a battery ? I have a batch of rechargeables - some are past it, others are fine. I realise (now !) that...
If I had a piece of steel and drilled say a 5mm hole would a 5mm rod fit in the hole or not? Without going in to too much detail about you can never guarantee that a drill or a piece of rod will ever...
Does anyone have the recipie for a discombobulator to vapourise that annoying pop-up window with which Answerbank have just infested their site?Maybe someone can recommend a good Window Cleaner to the...
I seem to recall that there are three words in the English language containing all of the vowels in their correct order. Abstemious and facecious are two, does anyone know the third? This isn't a...