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my other half works as a school cook, she just got septembers new menu, and on it was spotted richard & custard, i couldnt believe it pc madness again.
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What is the best chip shop meal and also what is your worst. Looking for feedback to put into my new chip shop. TIA
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Doc Spock
does sexyruskiie post so much sh1te ?
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I was thinking of getting a Chinese tonight but don't know what to order. Any ideas what I should get? I like chicken but not beef or pork. What would you get?
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OK, just to bring a mini debate to a wider audience. Some believe homosexuality to be a genetic 'illness / condition' and that homosexuals are in someway 'disabled', i think the point was along the...
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any 1 know of any good pie and mash shops in london please
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Taggatt are filming close by my house and i would have loved a part! If you had the chance to act what role would any of you play and why
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As you have seen fit to ban me outright for the twenty sixth time, 4th time this week, may I enquire why. As you do not answer emails, I apologise for this thread, but as you see I keep coming back....

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