Hi, A large department store sent an entire order (placed online) to the wrong address. I managed to get the items returned to the store, and was promised a full refund. Although I have only received...
When my son's friend sold his house, he asked my son Carl if post could be re-directed to him, which my son agreed to. However Carl is getting mail for his friend, with demands for utilities which...
My headphone jack doesn't work and even bluetooth doesn't work and googling has led me to other users who have a similar problem which points to a design fault, as i'm on contract are they obligated...
I have been made redundant by my ex employer and I am being paid just over 55% of my salary as a pension. The only statement they will put on the reference to another employer is This person commenced...
Three of us booked a holiday and paid in full. Then one person cancelled and the travel company only part-refunded them. They explained that this was because the cost of the holiday increased for the...
I posted this in business & fin, not getting many answers, would appreciate some advise. Hi. My house was repossessed 4yrs ago, and among other debts, I left behind a second charge which had been...
We have been in our house privately rented for 7 years and we are slowly realising the house is in need of a LOT of work. Infact, it needs stripping out and completely re-starting. It has never been...
i got the keys to a rented flat on wednesday, and on the following monday morning the estate agent came and tried to let herself and a male contractor into the flat. She did call my name when she had...
I was sitated to court in Scotland in April 2011 and my expenses came to £450 with hotel, loss of salary, transport etc. I submitted my claim and was asked for my receipts. I contacted the court...
My question is if someone has been spreading slanderous things about a person which then leads to a confrontation can the police be involved to sort things out.
My housemate threatened me the other day because I closed a door 'too loudly'. I apologised but she said I was 'disrespecting her' and was all up in my face. I told her to back off and stood up to her...
i moved address from a HA property at beginning of feb this year, sending the keys back via special delivery, new tenants have since moved in. I didnt owe any utility bills or council tax on this...
Hey guys, I'm planning on kicking my boyfriend out of my house (council house) and would like some advise on the legalities of this. First some back story and detail... I have had my tenancy with the...
If in an ongoing case (Chancery) when costs are awarded against the other side for failed applications and aborting a three day trial say,is it generally intended that these be paid prior to the next...
My downstairs neighbour had water damage on her ceiling. She came up to us to see it was anything we had done. We could not find anything and she then said it had stopped. Then she came up to say her...
been off work for 4 (was signed for 8 weeks) works due to stress at work, went back on thursday last week to be treated unfairly. the job i been doing for the last 12 months i could no longer do as...
I've been following a thread about an ABer who has a County Court appearance later this week. If I've deciphered it correctly it is the first hearing yet she is about to 'run out' of legal aid. How is...
Hi, wee quick question here hopefully. I work full time, I have been offered a fantastic new job but don't have a month to get started, therein lies my problem. I gave a month's notice but deducted my...
Hi, I Have a company mobile phone that i used for "Internet Tethering" at home as i was required to do an on-call shift a few nights a week which required me to look at e-mails and connect...