I do not like Christmas and will be pleased when it is all over and we can get back to what passes for normality, I will go to Church tomorrow, probably for all the wrong reasons, then it can end. I...
Any advice on this one please. A couple of weeks ago I lost my Job of 25 years for leaving, by accident, a Controlled package sucured in a locked container on my van overnight. the van was also locked...
can anyone give any advice on an outstanding debt of £8,000 which is paid to the company monthly, there has never been a default on the account although the payments have not been increased for...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/...d-manchester-16315486 I read yesterday the attitude of the mother who thought her son should be given a slap on the wrist. This is often the attitude of parents and individuals...
My Daughter has been deserted by her partner of 25 years.... Her house is in joint names and the mortgage also (they pay half each) He wants her to sell the house so as to get his share of the money....
the big man who got the student off the train recently has been charged with assault. What do reckon, right or not.
How do they survive, get jobs, keep friends? I know a couple of people who are always late, no matter what kind of warning you give them. Can a "late person" enlighten us, ie whats' the...
I am contracted to work 20 hours per week but for the last 11 weeks I have been doing between 36 and 40 I asked my manager if I could have my contract changed she said no but not to worry because the...
Hi A friend of mine has had £70 stopped from her final payslip due to her leaving early by 5 or 10 minutes on two occasions, concluding in her dismissal. However the employer has said it is due...
I have a neon light in my garage, which will not light, it flashes only. Fitted a new starter no better, new bulb still the same, do I need a new unit?
I am retireing after 10 years service and according to my contract of employment I should receive a gift amounting to £250. My manager has advised me because my pension will be much higher than...
My partner has recently bought a house with right of access across to an ajoining house. Since buying and moving in she has found the neighbours use the access as their car park.(there was never...
http://www.telegraph....ing-doctors-warn.html First it was cigarettes and tobacco, now it is alcohol, next is almost definitely going top be the very food that we eat. Will the measure to stop...
Hero 'big man' passenger cheered for throwing a foul-mouthed student off the train 'should be charged with assault', say teenager's familyhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article...
How often do you hear more wars are fought over religion than anything else, but is it true? The last two world wars were not conducted by one religion against another; both sides were told they had...
http://www.dailymail....murdered-Taliban.html I am absolutely disgusted that there are some on this site who can't wait to condemn our soldiers if they happen to step out of line, or injure a Afghan...
have fallen down to the dreaded cold/flu, not sure which it is yet, but need some recommendations firstly to get rid of the wretched cough, or at least damp it down so i might sleep for a few hours at...
well monday was the worse day of my life...and its all my own fault i was declared bankrupt a couple of years ago.. which after my wife cheating and me throwing her out was the worse day. im always...