What is the wavelength of the alpha particle Rutherford used in his famous gold foil experiment? How does this compare to the wavelength of the electron?
http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/11002372.Dad___s_threat_to_burn_home/?ref=eb Thug on suspended sentence re-offends. Magistrate doesn't invoke sentence, just gives him [i] another suspended [i]...
According to this blogger an appeal case has been upheld because the claimant's two spare bedrooms (in a 4 bedroom house, facing a 25% cut) were deemed to be only box rooms - suitable for someone no...
Apparently Benn has been seriously ill in hospital for 4 days now, but only now being reported. I for one wish him a speedy recovery....
To me, it's not a competitive [i] sport [i] if it isn't measured purely objectively - faster/higher/further etc. As soon as you introduce subjective elements it becomes something entirely different -...
Isn't it time they all pit bulls, mastiffs etc were destroyed to stop more families suffering? What purpose do they serve? A vicious dog can hardly be described as a family pet? Why would anyone allow...
I have recently put a deposit down on a car and am now being pressed for the full amount to be settled. As I cannot get to pick the car up until the 24th { I don't live in the U.K.} how long does the...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-26133374 This and all previous bans are necessary because of the selfishness of smokers. If they had an ounce of empathy with non smokers all the pub bans and of...
Barclays Bank are set to pay out millions in bonuses to their employees it ammounts to 60.100 pounds per employee. Do we need all these bankers ? when the whole banking system is so electronic, Is it...
Just watched it, again, great movie of course but there's one bit that reminded me I don't understand. At the start when they are in the garage waiting for the off, tinkering etc. They put all the...
Hi Good Folks of the Answerbank I recently paid off my credit card by calling and asking for a closing balance, I paid the amount agreed and was happy to be out of debt! The bank sent me a letter...
I was reading this thread http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Science/Question1312845.html And saw atalanta's reply at the foot of page 1. I was going to write a response (into that thread) along the lines...
Are national newspapers being irresponsible by encouraging this dangerous craze. // A woman stripped down to her underwear in a supermarket before downing a can of beer for a NekNominate challenge....
Skiing accident deaths are now expected every ski season. Famous skiing deaths include actress and wife of Liam Neeson, Natasha Richardson and singer/actor/US Congressman Sonny Bono. Ski accidental...
don;t pi55 about with a shilling a bag make it a pound across the board. I don't get it, ake aways can use paper like they do now, simples!...