HAMPSHIRE SEARCH AND RESCUE'S new quiz "HELLO SAILOR" is now available. 100 general knowledge questions all with a nautical theme in either the question or the answer. £25 First Prize...
Which william was crowned king of england on 25 December 1066? (7,2,8)
I thought it was William the Conqueror but the number of letters is not correct.
Thanks for any help...
1)The lady in 'Vanity Fair' could be shape in more ways than one! (7) I thought it was Becky!!
2)A truthful account shows her involvement (4)
Thanks for any help...
76)A black mark againt land owners in Scotland (8,10) 39)Inside information (3,4) 45)Can be found at Lloyds? (11) 49)Offenbach's classic ( 7,2,3,10) 53)Slow left arm bowler for Kent and England ( 5,9)...
I have on find a famous film or book from the pictures i have 1)picture of a hat and a whip 2)picture of a German shepherd dog / Alsatian and the words Alaska the last frontier Thanks for any help...
can be trees flowers shrubs herbs fruit or veg 1)Desert runner 2)miss boxer 3)Last of seven 4)Formal old punishment 5)Missing from "locks & barrels" The last two one answer must be...
these could be from anything, books, sayings, nursery rhymes, songs, carols etc These two are seasonal 1)l now l t t s d i p 2)t sound a a s This one nostalgia & schmaltz 3) t m h I'm a s i p...
17) 'Now hands that do dishes can feel soft as your face' + Liberty + Gibraltar 24) No German lessons King Barnes 26) The letter C in the middle of the words 'the winter the winter' with the word No...
Can someone please give me some extra help for No 51, I have seen the clues of 'american playwright' but still no further !!
Also help needed for No 66 & 82
First I must say happy Christmas to everyone.
Now down to these famous faces, but not so famous to me!!
I need help with No's 38, 39, 43, 51, 53, 54
Thanks if anyone can help...