I am about to have my bathroom decorated and one of my wife's requirements is she wants the ability to watch TV in there. I know electrics and water don't mix too well but I know it is possible. Any...
Hi Does anyone know the name of the song in the new k-swiss on the go advert? It's the advert that starts of with a waiter in a resturant and ends with a load of people dancing in a club along to a...
Can anyone tell me the name of that song that was on that fuller something film!! the song went like this- 'I belive in miricles.........................you sexy thing, you sexy thing you' wah was it...
My daughter is now 26months and I have heard rave reports about Gina Fords approach. I wondered if anyone had her book and whether it would be too late for me to try this approach. I don't want to pay...
my son is 32 months old and he won;t sleep in his bed ,i put him to bed ,but 3hours later he comes out of his room and wants to sleep with us in our bed . anyone got a idea to help us with a son who...
Please can you advise me, I think my 2yr old girl has thrush down below, she is scratching like mad and complaining of it being sore, when I looked, there was a bit of a smell, and a heavy thick white...
my son is now 16 weeks old and i thought it was time to change him from sleeping in his moses basket to his cot. tried it last night and although the past few nights he has been waking up less last...
i need to change my car. i currently have a corsa which is perfect except boot is too small to take my baby's pram-half has to go on back seat. still want a fairly small car but need a bigger boot....
Saw this on the news this morning and I was shocked at how people have reacted to this magazine cover. Since when did breastfeeding become so offensive that it is considered inappropriate for a...
Has anyone been watching the new kids t.v program "Lazytown" on cbeebies and nick j.r ??? I LOVE IT, and i have just turned 30 !! I think it is a very original idea they have come up with, and it is...
Not big things just minor ones. for instance: people who sit beside you in the bus who munch crisps. people who stand in a queue at M &S with a sandwich that cost 2 quid and wait until they get to the...
my friend has had a bit too much too drink and she hit her head shes now sayin shes rele cold and is like jolting im not sure weather to call an ambulance or not quick advice would be ghreat
My husband has been in retail management for 8 years and wants out. Crap wages and what with the net he thinks it's best to get out soon. Any ideas what career would suit someone with such skills....
Have just read an interview with the oddball Woody Harrelson (sp?) and he was singing the praises of a dairy-free diet. "Why on earth are we drinking/eating stuff that is specifically designed to make...