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Everyone seems to say kick them in the nads.... The schools tell you to report it, (and we'll deal with it) but I think that makes things worse . In my opinion teachers haven't a clue to deal with...
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what song is the back ground music from in 50 cents song buzzin
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all the lights are off and the doors are locked. Do you go and investigate? Or are you already under the bed lol
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Food Fairy
My sponces never seem to be cooked right to the bottom when I use silicone cupcake cases. When I make big sponges, the outsides seem to dry out before the middle's cooked through. I'm not very...
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It has a white fluffy head with two shots in it. ...
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I think the programme is poor quality entertainment and is nothing short of sugary sh....shush, enough said, apart from Alan's (sorry, Sir Alan's) facial follicles. Is he unable to grow a real beard...
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Anyone having the same problems as me with AB? seems so unstable, as though someone is flicking the pages; as it were. Ta Muchly.
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I remember this group on a pop music ITV show in 1964. It was a competition for groups, I think won by The Bow Street Runners. I played in a group at the time and our repertoire included 'Hide and...
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The new trend of fish tanks filled with 'Garra Rufa Fish' (fish with no teeth eating the dead skin on your feet) is hitting all the big shopping centres. I haven't had it done but know a few people...
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does anyone know how to get rid of maggots from your compost bin? We have had a compost bin for a few years now and this has never happened before, we have only put in what we are meant to but there...
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Half an orange covered in tinfoil with cocktail sticks with cheese and pickled onions on them. Is this nostalgic or just trashy ?
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i tried to post this earlier but couldn't log in whats your thoughts on veal? i was watching come dine with me and someone looked disgusted about the thought. is it much different to eating lamb...
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this is not about me... but reading some stuff online an knowing from past experience how people have set ideas about how things should be done and most totally believe that their way is normal,...
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AB Editor
http://www.theanswerb...d-staying-safe-guide/ Please have a read of that and this: http://www.theanswerb.../Question1015096.html And post any questions here, or in the above thread. Spare Ed...
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I am making my daughter three tier wedidng cake and would like to royal ice the cake board. Has anyone done it before and could give me some tips please. Thankyou
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What subject or profession has there never been a television about .I can think of any
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I've just bought a lily (bulbs) collection which included,Tom Pouce, Muscadet & Amazing, I've found out details of the 1st two but can't seem to find out anything about the 'Amazing' plant, can...
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Just starting out on the home brewing game with a ginger beer kit, but will probably experiment with 'real' beer as well. Just one question, though, how fine a sieve do you need? I've got a nylon...
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23a squirrels nest 96) your help please
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should I be earning some small financial gain for these two things being on my property? I have owned the property for a year. I doubt any previous sums were claimed either, I may have heard you can...

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