32d - rearing bees for the commercial production of honey A*I*U*T*R* 16a - death was his retribution for lying, according to the New Testament, ACTS 5 *N*N*A*
from the following statement can you tell which sport is referred to? 'The modern or Cartwright rules, were introduced in New Jersey on 19th June 1846, although a game of the same name had been played...
Help please as I have to post the answers on Friday Q28 Which sport is sometimes claimed to be an acronym of a phrase(well two really) indicating that the sport is very much for men and not women? Q66...
Has anyone a cure for chilli burns on hands. I stupidly did not wear rubber gloves and when de-seeded my green chillies for my chilli con carne, my hand came into contact with the chilli. Any help...
This is a local quiz and the answers are places, no number of letters given. 1. Wretched blisters 2. Indecent exposure up on the moors 3. Repeat for a knees up 4. 111 5. Born bad
all the answers to following are towns, cities or place names in UK or republic of Ireland. I'm stumped! any help gratefully received 1) a professor who rides with hounds? 2) not the euro, but? 3) one...