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bok [RIP]
Do We..? Well, apart from Einstein. ;-)
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bok [RIP]
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ABrecord? Gawd bless it.. kinda liked ABrecord, where's it gone?
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mikewith NOT
What's all this then?
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Steve Lynas
And for What? ... pride? prejudice? party pooping? The choice is yours ABusers.. Why so serious.. your death waits, Chill, Eh? or is this hardcore?
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If you were a reasonable, regular, ABmember... and AB deleted you just for being chummy.. What would you say?
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have you had any, and was it good?
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What price censorship? Does a new broom sweep clean or clumsy?
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Who said that in a protest? and what was it about? Censorship perhaps? Fascism?
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I have just begun an HNC course in Social care. And as part of our studies (Child Protection Module), we have to identify the rights of children in relation to the above named charter and also explore...
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what happens to all the strw that is left over after harvest. The farmers used to burn it but now can't and huge rolls of the stuff can be seen stored in the fields and in barns. Can it be put to any...
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If you were told that an act of nature was going to destroy your home in ten minutes time, apart from family and pets, what 3 things would you have to save?
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The main area of debate are subsidies to be scrapped for farmers in the West/developing how does everyone think the poorer nations will fair?
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Isn't is a lovely word?
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I've seen my old friend Darth Vader mention Mrs Vader a couple of times recently and, frankly, this disturbs me. I just can't imagine the Lord of Darkness being married, it just doesn't seem to go...
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And why is he being persecuted?
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what is one ..does it exist?
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Aren't you lot intellectuals?

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