Helpn eeded, please. Need to try and find English river names from the following two clues: 1 Bobbin: 2 Knot and Single: Examples of rivers already identified are Exam = River Test Grooms partner =...
Often Confused for a Jack Russell (9 ) Southern chinamen, with meat seller and male canine (9,7,3) Odds on Favourite (9) Portrayed regularly by Gainsborough (3,7,8) Messed, with the (French) (6)...
Help needed. For example 100 C in a E = 100 cent in a euro 55 D at P B47 1848 the CGR the 2 G of V a BNF on 1W H the O 1/2 L D,D,D to my 10 G NNI (Gaeilge) Many thanks if you can help Happy Christmas...
1. heavenly beinges tackne? 2. a sweetner returned to a spring? 3. SMOKIN'!! 4. put on your fruit salad instead of cream 5. rembrandt's pants? 6. shakespeare thought she was a real character 7. will...
Which artist plays the ukulele music between recipes on 'jamie at Home' xmas programme screening now?... Not the Tim Kay theme music, but the bits in between!
67 Down
?l??e Pie, a small round pastry tart filled with a mixture
of dried fruit,spices etc., often eaten at this time of year
thanks in advance
My last one and probably the easiest as ive not spotted it being asked on here, but its got me stumped. no37 grind up a mathematical symbol for this festive nibble (5,3) i keep thinking something...