27ac Downgrade, for example, when included in recount (8) R****R**
24d Source for four-letter word repeated in Shakespeare comedy (4) W***
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1dn Old line included by villain, under pressure, in opening speech (8)
8ac First class spinner plays in Asia, including Test cricket initially (3,5)
*** **T*H
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17ac Instruction for players that indicates where coach is heading (5,9)
18dn Progressive leader in Indian state (2-5) ** A*E*D
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Treatment for skin cancer has left my forehead looking red and blotchy and must be off-putting to anyone having to look at me. I attend social functions and would like to wear a simple head-band - not...
1ac Twentieth century Dutch art movement favouring an abstract economical style (2,5) *E *T*J*
8dn Kniphofia genus of the lily family (7) *RT*M*
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