Oh dear ! Quotation found far too quickly, leading to realisation of the nightmare to follow. All but three clues already solved. To complete gridfill, it's one for the Wiki-ists, not the aficionados,...
Evening all. Once again I find myself staring at a completed grid and a completed instruction, the former quite straightforward, the latter requiring a leap of imagination that so far eludes me. All...
Greetings fellow Listenerites, This should be a week free of controversy, I think. A nice solid puzzle, with the three different types of clues keeping things interesting. The two thematic grid...
Wow. Absolutely brilliant. I tried to rotate the rings mentally, but got out the scissors after a few minutes. Then half my letters were upside down, so I printed out a new grid and re-filled it. An...
Very nice puzzle this week - some hard clues and a lot of thematic material crammed into this one. Lots of cold solving for starters, given that more than half the answers are altered in some way....
Elementary, indeed. An easily guessed theme as far as resolving the ambiguities is concerned, leading to a very quick grid fill. The most interesting thing about it was checking the statements against...
Much more fun for me this week, challenging but not daunting. It gets much easier once the theme is grasped, but the final straight line takes a bit of spotting. One of those which manages to be...
Not finished yet, but the grid fill is going smoothly, the theme has been cracked and therefore some reverse solving can take place,but, the rugby is beckoning. Certainly one for beginners and...
Thought I'd start a thread for one. Rather relieved that the Friday club are quite on this one. Have a smattering of answers but a long way to go. Happy solving all!
To save RR the bother, I will start the thread this week. I haven't finished yet, but with a full and fairly easy grid fill, that just leaves the usual preamble and whatever potential disaster is...
Am I destined to start another thread or are all the friends hiding somewhere else? What a great and well-set challenge this has been. The light has just dawned regarding the theme and how to obey the...
Good to have a circular one for a change. I am thoroughly enjoying this - right up my street, though some of the products are elusive - not surprisingly!
Much easier than it looks from the pre-ramble, as clueing is very straightforward (for once you barely need the BRB) and should quite quickly lead you to theme. Extreme care needed in final grid-fill...
I'm delighted to see that there is, after all, a Listener this week, and glad I signed up to the on-line service as our local newsagent does not open on New Year's Day. It's a nice puzzle, but prompts...
An excellent start to the year, from a setter who provided the Listener's Xmas puzzle just two weeks ago (Great Expectations) - one has to particularly admire the use of full words in the...
Not finished yet, but I've got grid B, so I know two things already. There's an awful lot of pretty close to cold solving in Grid A, and I've got to get a bigger print out to have any kind of chance...
Good afternoon all. This was certainly a nice challenge. The theme was not surprising but getting to the message took a bit of work - double clues and missing letters! I don't understand the wordplay...