I need a few pointers about building unsound structure. I rent privately a flat which is nice apart from the windows, still single pane and metal framed. One of them has managed to start falling from...
I need a few pointers about building unsound structure. I rent privately a flat which is nice apart from the windows, still single pane and metal framed. One of them has managed to start falling from...
There's a online Java version - to be done sitting at ones computer, I was wondering if one subscribes to the online paper will it be possible to print out the crossword?
My flat still has single metal framed windows.
The one in my front room has actually fallen away
from the building - outwards. I've told him but no
Any suggestions ???...
My first Samuel puzzle, already have a toe hold (which must be good). Preamble looks rather OK once its broken down into sections. Although it may not be Necessary for 5dn, I would like to purchase a...
Well, thank goodness we have a long weekend. I think I might need that to work out what the blazes the clues mean! I had one theory, but the rubric that all entries are different turned me towards a...
28dn: Selection from pharmacist for one fatally attracted to nymph (4) ?cis Running through this quite soothly this morning, don't know this one though. i think all the other clues that fit around...
Can anyone who is doing today's EV please confirm the following- 1) The number of letters in the clue reading ' Queen starts to handle useful instrument' ? 2) That the number of letters (12) is...
Anyone else disappointed with today's puzzle set by Charybis?
I think we expect more of a challenge, but maybe this is a gentle introduction to EV for new solvers....
Another fun looking game to play, making a discovery too. Using a pencil we are also told.....
Could this mean we are in for a tough time?
Happy solving all....
Hello everyone, I hope you've all been to Church, good day to you all. Never done a 'barred' Hypnos puzzle before. Only grid ones in the Independent. This should be fun, at least I now have ODQ5 !...
This is fun, possibly a good introduction to the Listener genre for newcomers, without compromising quality. There are still some words no-one could be expected to know out of there usual vocab, but...
Amazingly I think I've actually completed this, but, I'm stuck on one answer: Upset national supports the Italian guy (4) The letters I have are I_AN Logic says the answer should be ITAN, but I can...
At first the high proportion of short words is a bit daunting - but for the most part the clues are fair, even if in one instance a little vulgarity (in my and Chambers' opinion) creeps in. A good...