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Hi, I tried to post earlier but i dont think it worked. I am setting up my own business, selling second hand designer clothes/shoes/accessories. Trouble is..... I havent got a name for it!!! What can...
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Do any of you use chat rooms?  If yes, what do you reccomend?  I like MSN but wanna chat with new people as well as my friends!! x
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My wife on another popular forum said in a typical chatterbank style "Feeling hungry, anyone for a ******?" She was then given a lot of abuse from someone claiming to be half chinese that went on...
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Dom Tuk
Makosi has been ordered to leave the UK. Think she will comply?
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This was my least favourite episode so far. Mostly because it was all about Jack, who I find incredibly annoying anyway, whining on about his insecurities, in his incredibly annoying whiney...
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For the last 6 years at least, shops have started getting ready for xmas in Aug/Sept (some might even be earlier). This surely can't be a surprise no more, so why is it people still have to go on and...
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ground breaking news, sod the m25 has just a helmet, he has no shaft and far too much 4skin, it overhangs like a little hood. This is from a good source....milfman.....he says it's kinda cute, but...
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does any 1 know any good games websites i will do an exchage if you like thanxx
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how are we all this glorious saturday night? i've been advised to check oot froggers, what is it? whats the address? Ps, Hi Big ED
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Hi all, not something I really want to discuss but here goes, I have just found out that I have caught genital warts, I've had so many partners recently I really don't know who I've caught them off,...
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hello out there tonight!!! can anyone help me on this little proplem i seem to have!!! short story............when i eat any kind of fish.........for some reason i seem to smell of fish down below the...
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Hi   Thanks for all the replies.    Would Mrs. Pegasus care to name her server and can anybody confirm that if I were to switch from 512 to 2M - I would definately receive a faster...
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I have tried everything, I think it is to do with signing up with a replacement e.mail address, but I can't get there. Help me please.
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I have run up some pretty heavy debts through credit cards and loans and we're just about keeping our head above water (heavy meaning ?11 k on cards, ?23k loans) We (my wife and i) both work and we...
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  I am presently paying ?25 per month for unlimited use of [512M]  broadband .   I have received f.o.c. filters and modem plus free national telephone calls any time of the...
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Is there a proper procedure a small business should follow? My sister yesterday got called into her boss's office and given a final written warning. all staff had a verbal warning a couple of months...
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I am applying for a new job and stand a good chance of getting an interview.  However, the last similar job I had resulted in me taking the company to a tribunal for constructive dismissal and...
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Does she speak and pout like that in real life?
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A husband and wife have a child but at a later date split up.  The husband pays maintenance for the child.  Just say years later he discovers the child is not his. Can he make a claim...
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After a rollocking at work today, I'm slightly concerned.... Can those up high at work actually track my internet usage, right down to what I'm posting on here?

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