To the local government office to renew my license plate. I renewed it whilst sitting in my house coat, having a cup of tea, and puffing on a cigarette. No shuffling line-up; no people bumping into...
My chest freezer conked out yesterday so will have to buy a new one, the old one was situated in our garage for about 12 years however when looking for a replacement online I noticed most of them...
After looking at this YouTube Video showcasing Model Waltzers at 1/24th scale, I thought I would try and build one myself as a wee hobby that I can get stuck into during the summer. But there seems to... I posted the original thread to generate some humour about this DELBOY and RODNEY...
One of my grandchildren has repeatedly scored over 2000 points by doing one thing UP LEFT DOWN RIGHT in other words he just goes round the clock 1 by 1? I know thats not the point but hey He is happy!... Just found this addictive numbers game (if you're into that sort of thing). Simply use the arrow keys to move all the tiles in that direction and when 2 of the...
After watching Mamma Mia last night I mistakenly deleted it from the hard drive. No cheering now!!! I will have to keep my eyes open for when it is on tv again so I can record it again.