I shall make this short and sweet or "someone" will post at the same time and there will be a little confusion !!! on this site - never !!!! The challenge is as always to match Kate's choices over the...
Good morning all and welcome to the KM Links Game coming to you live from a universe somewhere close by !! Yes the little green men with 4eyes and 6 antennae are coming your way armed with lots of -...
Help with last two please. 29a A dresser or something on one. (6) I have ?a?c?r. If it is saucer, why? 27d "Wee Smacker" Funny title (6) I have l?t?l?. The answer must be little (anagram of title plus...
Another week has flown past and the weekend is already here - time to break out the grey cells and try to match it with Kate. In a short while one of the early risers will [ hopefully ] post the link...
Please someone. Is 18a Gourmet? (On board, he's very fussy (7)) If so, then is 14d Walk on water! (5) Tramp? But why? Thanks for any help - are you there K?
Sorry, play golf on a saturday so do the crossword on a sunday, stuck on last 3. 2d- somebody forced to leave their country due to political oppression or war.=d-s-l-c-d? 10d- useless, troublesome...
2d. Stare at extreme characters for example turning out (4) I have G??E and I'm sure the answer is GAPE but I don't understand the clue. Anyone? Thanks
A little on the early side I know, however - Good morning one and all and welcome to a new month and a new KM Links Game. Our modest King Aquagility has warned us he is going AWOL, walkabout, and...
Help please with my last two. 2d Get up with difficulty, holding a bouquet. (6) I have ?r?i?? (araise??) 12a Now, a word from the presenter. (4) I have ???e Thanks.
Here we are, at the business end of yet another month and this is where crunch time occurs !!! Will the reigning king continue in that position or will another sweep him aside in a blaze of glory and...
Hullo !! who changed the wall paper ?? everything looks rather strange !!! however I think I'm in the right spot to post the link for this weekend's competition. I notice the 'shrubbery sirens' are at...
Posting a little early this weekend as I'll be out most of the day but hopefully back in time to see the start of proceedings though just having read the Crofter Hot Line have no idea what time that...
Goodness, doesn't time fly !! We're into May already and by now quite a few have a very good handle on the way Kate thinks, but she has thrown us the odd curve-ball - Pork Barrel, last week was just...
Kayakamina is going to be out most of today, until later on, as it is his Birthday!!!! I would like to wish him a very Happy Day...and officially thank him for all the help he gives me on here! We are...
The final weekend of competition for April rolls around and at this stage there are two ABers neck and neck, on 8 points, in the lead. Aquagility & paulineward both have a handy lead over cliffyg &...
Help! Stuck on 12d and 17a A kind of German or Swiss smoked Pork Sausage 8 letters A judicial officer responsible for maintaining the royal forests in medieval England 8 letters Have all the others if...
Right, no messing about, straight to the point, etc. Last week 'the scorer' who shall remain nameless, made a right dogs breakfast of paulineward's results and tried to rob her of hard won points [not...
Here she comes - on tip toe in her size 10 wellies [ I wish !!] trying not to wake the dreamers after their all night revelling. Be surprised if too many of you haul yourselves out after last night's...