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Idyllic place for *** ??O?? ???????? thank you in advance...
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My mum died of a stroke (cerebral haemorrhage) when she was 64 and my auntie (her sister) died last year, also of a stroke. My auntie was about 70 but neither of them were overweight. In fact, my mum...
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have any of you daily mail readers finished this. I'm stumped for a singing artist with one name, ie:- Madonna, but this one must have a 'z' in it. Can someone please tell me some pop artists with z...
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I wondered how long it takes to buy a house outright for cash? There is no chain and the property is currently empty. I was told 3months, but that can't be right can it? The property is a mid-terrace...
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What is the simplest way to get the value of a used car online without subscribing or signing up to anything please?
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cris r
Hi my mother got stick in the bath again for the third time im wondering as she can not afford to get a shower put into her rented accomadation herself are there any services that could help i would...
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Need some help guys please with the following thank you in advance:- no 1 :- OAL no 2 :- TLP WTM no 3 :- HDD TMRUTC Thanks again Kitten...
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I have been told that after you have paid NI contributions for the required number of years you can elect to no longer pay them. If this is true what is the length of time and how does one go about...
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I know I have seen this before, but can anyone here tell me the name of the small radio controlled helicopter which is used by the Fire Service and the Armed Forces. It is so small it can fit in the...
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1 recently held money [4] 2 its to do with earth moving sighs Mick loudly[7] 3 whole island of barley I'm told [4] 4 raising one's glass to Tonga- its smashing[8] thanks in advance...
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14a jan d 1540 antwerp citizen,pioneer double-entry bookkeeping 5 Y?P?N 27a charles 1784-1877 pianist and composer,author of song victoria's sceptre o'er the waves 1845 5 starts n 15d henry b1871...
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how long does it usually take to get the ashes back from a crematorium?
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Just been dealing with Alied carpets and they went into liquidation Monday. Seems my £129 rug will now not arrive. So now for to go via hoops to get money back from credit card company. However...
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I am on a mortgage with my ex, I haven't paid anything for nearly 5 years, she pays it. She says she can't afford to take the mortgage over herself and the property is on the market but no real...
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Noisy fun when bar overturns next to rallway. [7 letters] ?E???R? Is outside being wild and mutineous. [9 letters] ???I?I??? Simple change to good spot. [7 letters] ?L?M?S?...
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hi all i am a bit baffled andwondering if you can help. Last tuesday I bought 2 items from a fashion store (a handbag and a cardigan) yesterday I went to use the new handbag and noticed it was...
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My ex-husband has always paid tax at the standard, lower rate. However, for a number of years (about the last 10) he has received unearned income which means his total gross income for the year would...
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I am a Trustee along with my mother and my sister of a Trust to pay out money to help my children/her grandchildren with housing. My brother is a Trustee along with my mother and our Solicitor of a...
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I am stuck on finding a Desert, 7 letters A?A?D?N i can only find Arabian which is no good . thank you. 84 across .
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Can anyone please help with these 2 supposedly easy questions 10a good example 4,5 ?O?E//?O?E? 25a batsman ?R?C?O?E?...

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