18d There's a scandal over the French lady in this satire (7) S?A?E?A Not totally sure about the first A - the crossing answer is greek drAma - which I think is right but can't parse from 19 Buskin'...
Can anyone help me with the following three questions please ? 16. Is a large water bird of the era here? 68 Can you take a female to little north east cove?! 100 Looks as if female is with circle of...
around a month ago i received a letter asking me what i intended to do with my works pension. And that if i was not working i needed to tell them. i duly informed them i was unemployed and received my...
Alana 1208
Giant cryptic. 17 down, 6 letters, rather quietly make allusion. P?E?E?
59 down, 8 letters, throw into confusion with instruction to become more reckless....
I need to upgrade my BT handsets. I have a few questions about their various products so that I can choose which to go for, but I can't find a way to talk to a BT rep about them. The options on 0800...
Hamper Contents 1 There’s a kernel in what looks like nothing (6) 2 There’s a hole in this drink senior! (6) 3 Replacement for toast in a Scottish breakfast (8) 4 Topping for no 3 that’s said to make...
Hello and new year wishes to all. Could you please help me with the following question. 65. Grassland full of clerics. (11 letters) The answer has to be a tram stop on the West Midlands line. I can...