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2dn Type of ski-lift (1-3) * BAR. What d'ya think - T or J bar? Thanks...
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17d direct joke about being embarrassed (5,2) and arrived (5,2) S?O?N up. I assume it's shownup but don't like the squire clue . Please confirm. Thanks
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10dn Almost need a new psychoanalyst (5) l?c?n
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Good morning everyone - after early rain, it's turned into a lovely Sunday warm day, ideal for getting the washing dry and for clearing away the mess our beautiful lemon scented gum made last Monday...
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Morning everyone, this is 'Joan the Wad', Queen of the Pixies, back with week three of September's challenges. It's been an exceptionally busy week with my work (homecare). On Monday alone we had...
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16d (6) sounds like a real worker but he's not there -r-c--, 23a(6) volunteer soldiers have less revolutionary ornament --s-o- Thank you.
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Good morning all, this is 'Joan the Wad', Queen of the Pixies, back to challenge you once more. Imagine this little scene that recently unfolded . . . My friend and I were summoned to her lounge on...
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Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here and looking out the back windows, there's a solid mass of wisteria, beautiful perfume and gorgeous colour, but the bees have arrived and the dogs are not...
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21d lost intensity when insulated (6) ?A???D 25a gallery sees many a religious show (7) ??D?L?T thanks
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This week's game has now closed and I can reveal that 'Baron Brian' (aka beejay1124) had the following links in mind for you to discover: PENNY WHISTLE BLACK BEAR LAST POST OFFICE BLOCK So many to...
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11a) Giving information that's significant 7 t_l____g May be talking ! then 7d) happened that trouble is near 6 a___e_ ? Arises help much appreciated
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Hi all. Welcome to week 4 (of 5) from 'Baron Brian'. {EDIT by Gen2:- Yes, this is going to be a 5-week month so you'll have the pleasure of one more of Baron Brian's challenges next weekend.} August...
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Good morning everyone - Spring is on the way, we have a milder weekend, and thank goodness the wind has dropped, so all the blossom has blown off !! Sorry about the mix up - i really hadn't realised...
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4d reward scheme for change of shift by a syndicate (6,7) P???I?S?A?I?? 22a came from small bump (6) ?p?a?? many thanks...
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Hi folks and welcome to week 3 from 'Baron Brian'. It has been a lot cooler in the mornings and evenings over here now and the darkness is with us a lot earlier. As they say in Norn Iron - “the...
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Good morning everyone - back to the depths of winter today, with howling gales and buckets of the wet stuff as well, so I'm glad we've nothing planned for outdoors. The links today are - TENNIS...
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30d Find a knicknack of copper beside a carnival town (5) C?R?O Many thanks...
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1d conventional, middle class 9 letters _ O _ R _ E _ I _
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15 Across, Is chauvinistic first to last (6) SORRY NO LETTERS 16 Across, Way to address holy man,one linked to the church (6) ?T?N?? 18 Across, Not right in concealing consumer activity (6) SORRY NO...
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Hi once again folks from Baron Brian and thank you gen2 for asking me to be this month's setter. Well as usual the weather has been a major talking point this last wee while with all the downpours and...

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