She may have many niggly little faults (Im allowed to say that as I have experience) but dear little 4getmenot is not a spammer. She has always been a good listener and advisor on B&S and today,...
following on from champagne's message, can you think of any yourself? let's get our own lil dictionary goin! how about: boob carriers - women linen lagging - when you walk behind a chick who's wearing...
I am, cos I have just heard from the hospital that the cancerous tumour in my darlin mums lung has begun to shrink during her course of chemo. She still has more chemo to get so hopefully it will...
God I'm bored... If you could be a Super Hero which ONE special power would you choose? Don't worry the ability to wear figure hugging lycra doesn't count. If this question has already been posted I...
This morning a truck went past me with a builder in it and as it got closer the driver was staring at me so much I actually felt like telling him to keep an eye on the road! But... it kind of made my...
Who else feels poorly today? I have the mother of all hangovers and my sniffle has blossomed into the worst cold of my life and I have had to come into work, can anybody give me any sympathy or relate...
isnt it about time you removed this Q from the top of the page ???? the world was created in less time than this question has been up there ! i would imagine the creator of the Question has had enough...
why, when asked to give one word answers, do WOMEN decide one word isnt enough ?? the Q was going great till a boob got knocked, then it all went to the wall.... WOMEN !!! cant keep em quiet, cant gag...
I want to give it to a good corse ie charity so please tell me which i should give it to and why ? I will pick the one i think is best and send the money to the charity in the persons name i pick. So...
18 year-old Princess Beatrice was plastered all over yesterday's papers looking a little worse for wear after a drink-fuelled evening. She was apparently in high spirits despite being a little...
A good few years ago, (probably more than 10) before gordon Ramsey became as famous as he is now, he made a series called Boiling Point where he had young trainee chefs in tears in the kitchen (ha no...