I really am curious.... Before somebody reports it I was wondering....... when you are in the mood for pleasing oneself(and I dont mean eating a box of chocs!!) well, who do you fantasise about,if...
I had a laser etched copy of the LP True Colours by Split Enz which I lent to a friend and never got back. The b@stard. What's everybody's favourite memory of coloured vinyl, picture discs etc.
Can anybody list me a few songs with mother/ma/mama in the title but not at the start (ie I already have stuff like Mamma weer all crazee now and Ma Baker etc) Many thanks
I have a bad habit of falling asleep while travelling as a passenger in my boyfriend's car. I hate doing it but can't seem to help it, I always get enough sleep of a night so I can't blame it on...
Had one of those days were nothing seems to go right! started at 5:30ish this morning and it's only just showing signs of getting better! Hows your day been?
To anyone who's put on weight on the contraceptive pill... did you lose it when you swapped pills or came off it? Or is it a case of the pill increases your appetite, so any weight gain is here to...
Why does England turn its back on its own people E.G Jade goody and stick up for others Jade did nothing wrong she was provoked and spoke her mind if it was the other way round the other women wouldnt...
It's because people aren't posting. I have encapsulated this in an email to the ED and I expect to receive my usual response along the lines of "why thank you whiffey for yet again pointing...
Well some of you know that I've just started seeing someone and well Saturday morning he told me he loved me. And all I could say was don't be silly, felt a bit bad because he was just showing his...
Did i hear on the news over the weekend that the worlds oldest woman died at something crazy like 123 or 128 years old? Does anyone know a link to this news story (if indeed it is right!). Thanks
Anyone been on a holiday with their partner and had a terrible time cos of your partner? Ive had two holidays like this. Im going on holiday with my new partner this year, I dont know what to expect.
in a land far far away. if two super hero`s were to slug it out to the death, who would win... the contenders. in the blue corner... at 300lb, standing 7` tall and with a desire to kill all comers and...
It seems i cant even talk to a male now without getting the toys out the pram treatment by my bf :((( is your partner of a similar ilk? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx