i posted a parcel last friday 1st class and it still hasnt arived at its destination. How long should it take? First time ive posted anything like this so im not sure if its normal or i should start...
I was walking my little boy to school today and i had a boulder in my boot! It was so uncomfortable, i couldnt wait to get back and get it out! When i took my boot off, a tiny tiny bit of grit no...
Have you ever lost something special to you, (a possession not a person) either via a burglary or just a misplacement of it, something you feel you could never replace or is there one thing you wish...
this is mainly a pic for helliebobs but any ladies who share my excellent taste , feel free to drool over this picture! This guy was one of my childhood crushes and i look now and think, damn i had...
Im giving my answer of the week, so far, award to 3ight8ball for this little gem posted at 15.36 on this the 11th day of March 2008 If you see better then you can award it as your "answer of the week,...
Best and worst 1, holiday 2, song 3 , film 4, food 5, drink 6 childhood toy 7, animal 8,TV programme 9, Topic on ab 10, Day of the week 11, Time of the year
A little game now, guess who i am, when you guess correctly, then its your turn! I am an American actor, married twice, one son from my first marriage who died in 1978 from an accidental drug overdose...
My 4 year old has just asked me which phone number calls a "gunman" I fear i may be asassinated. I really should have bought him sweets when he asked me this afternoon instead of saying no! I do hope...
I'm decorating my bathroom and my son has just offered to help, seeing as hes taller than me (not difficult) he is gonna do the ceiling for me! I have left him alone up there armed with a roller and a...
If you had something stuck in your tooth, what would be the best thing to use that you had to hand to remove the offending little blighter? Would you publicly pick or could you wait till you got home...
ok so on corrie, its all about this Alex wanting to be with michelle, but what about Ryan? He's peed off with Alex encroaching on his life etc...but has never really expressed any desire to spend any...
I have the Green Mile on! How good is this film? I think its amazing. My all time fave! makes me sob buckets though. Which film makes you blub like a baby?
I could sit and watch this man on the ice all night,. He is just so great to watch! te charisma and style of his skating is amazing. (ima fan, can ya tell?) Is it a forgone conclusion that he will...
I've just had a feel of a pair of boobs that have just had a boob job! I have to say, they felt awful! hard as rocks and they just looked false! Have you ever felt them or had yours done? Whats your...