After last week's toughie, I was hoping for an easy ride this week - especially as we are off on holiday very soon. So, my heart sank when I saw this mixture of truths, half truths and lies. Probably...
Whilst one might argue about some of the clueing, and several ambiguities in extra letter(s), there is no doubt whatsoever that the endgame is most elegant. A real tough test, just about worth the...
With seemingly no-one yet posting I thought I would have some fun as I have not started a thread before. Some clues a lot trickier than recent weeks given the varying clue options etc., I'm only about...
A Happy New Year to all. What a pleasant and gentle start to the year! The theme appeared early and we have thoroughly enjoyed this. We haven't quite finished but progress is regular and speedy.
A very entertaining puzzle which I couldn't put down: a nicely cryptic preamble, some tricky (but fair) clues, an excellent grid and an endgame which had me beaming. The general theme became apparent...
This must be our quickest solve ever! What a delightful little compilation by KevGar. We tumbled to the theme with the first solution and have enjoyed it thoroughtly so far. Gentle, indeed after some...
What a pleasure to see a Kea puzzle but what a tough solve. No, not really opening the Friday club as I still have to produce my final grid and there is some demanding word play to sort out but many...
Pretty straightforward even in my current befuddled state: the double clues resolve easily enough. I query "our" and "hero" in the rubric, and whether the lower case writing thing...
No, I haven't finished it. I just thought I would point out that it is up on the usual site, but under the wrong date, 2012-06-29. Whether this is significant, I cannot tell (It was an old cat,...
The lack of numbers in the grid didnt hold this puzzle up for long and now having obtained a full grid, the author, birthplace, the removed five letter collection and one of the three novels...
I think I've got there, though held up for a long time in the NW of the grid and an overenthusiastic wrong answer to 1 down in particular. A wrong assumption about probably the most critical missing...
(sorry started on wrong site, apparently) - so repeat here : Well, we had all been moaning that the Big L was getting to be the Big EZ ... not this week, mefears but after a mammoth struggle, have now...
Back to the relatively easy ones then, though I think the final step's a bit of a swine if the subject's not all that familiar. One of those with a reasonably straightforward grid fill (with one...
Not much here to cause any grief this week, I think. Not too high on the difficulty scale, but enjoyable anyway. Now I have no excuses for the afternoon and will be forced to finally clean out my...