Hi ...maybe a difficult request, but does anyone know what year Ray Charles came to London in the beginning of the 60's. Think it was the Apollo at Victoria. Have looked at all the gen on Ray on Web,...
Sorry, back to Saturday !!.. 3 that are driving me nuts.. 12a Broadcasting of Magpie girl's journey -I-G---A-E (10) 14a It's a small world! (6,7) GLOBAL V-L-A-E 3d Sign of Treasure Island near...
Steve Wright (Radio 2 weekdays 2-5p.m.) is driving me NUTS !!! We have had to get used to, and ignore the " Love the show " from everyone supposedly that writes in....but I have been trying...
Hello clever people out there !! 16a A symphony, perhaps, from Mozart for me. (3,4 ) Have got A-T , -O-M ????? Also, 26a Criminal in Merseyside port, German pocketing grand, (10) Have got -O-T-E----...
Does anyone know where to go to get an autograph authenticated in order to sell it ? I have Cliff Richards autograph. I know it's his, because I got it personally. But I can't prove it, so how do I go...
Can you please help with 18A....Girl from city in North Carolina, kind of sweet. (9) C- - - - - T - E And also 15D Plain English used after couple's arrested right one (7) P - - - R - - !!!! Many...
Hi, does anyone know a way of finding out a persons e-mail address, without having to ask them. I have searched on google, but these sights all want a fee to find out. Thanks
2 D...Be contrary to ordinary procedure, and include many different groups. (3,6)
Have got C-T , -C-O-S ...driving me nuts...!!!! Please put me out of my misery ....
My elderly mother has been cut off from making outgoing calls because she has not paid the bill ,she says that she has not made a lot of the calls they have charged her for, and until they sort it out...
how can i cook it ? whats th best way to make it tastiest? i have it already so i might as well use it. i am veggie and not much of a cook...so bear that in mind.. could i make chips with it? deep fry...
I have a two year old olive tree in a pot , its not very big, but has sprouted flowers ok this year.It is however very lob-sided, and was wondering whether it is ok to shape it a bit at this time of...
Does anyone know where I can buy Cork lids for storage jars? I am looking for 11cms diam.Have searched the webb everywhere, but can't find any this size.
Does anyone know why everytime I read an old book (secondhand), I get itches all over my body. It doesn't go away, I suppose I must be allergic to something, but what ?I have tried every...