Many thanks in advance for any answers: 7. Girl who swallowed the cheese. (begins with G) 9. You'll find him in a prison then jumble him up (begins with A) 15. It's over the top for me to tell a fib...
Thanks in advance for any answers. eg Summer - holiday- snaps 5. School Point 11. Get Life 13. Go World 16. Indirect Return 26. Hit File 29. Side Suit...
1. Pain in both sides (6) 4. Thai member from myanmar (5) 5. Characteristic of any king named Charles (8) 10. Laughter is surrounded by a scottish loch (9) 21. Timber carrying four wheeled cart (4)...
Thanks in advance. 9. Hesitation in an English County (7) 12. Sounds like a roof gutter (5) 13. East in bands of roughs (6) 24. Road junction precedes Scottish abodes (6) 26. This bird has a £1...
13. Encourages low glycemic intak (5,5,4) 14. Waterloo is their London base (5,7,6) 23. This rapper premiered his women's fashion label at Paris in 2011 (5,4) 25. Found off the M1 (4,8,7) Many thanks...
4. Origin 5 Fantastic square root 54 6. Convivial web 8. Affronted cupboard 9. Nameless 10. Reparation 11. Vain and Predisposed 13. Babylon 15. Fractured sunrise 20. What we do in our cars Not a...
I am learning to play the ukulele (not baritone) and wonder where I could see music chords for "Hava negila". Cannot find this on Dr Uke or the Ukulizer.
Thanks in advance:)...
Thanks in advance for any answers. What word links the following:-
5. Good - bud
7. University - drama
18. First - agency
24. Annual - pit
40. pink - grass
48. Life- stamp
Thanks again...
9. Very dense a while back(8)
11. Fetch within scotch toes (7)
12. Dried fruit bearing blooms (9,7)
13. Newspaper boss in total (5)
Thanks in advance...