I want to get this book for a friend, but cannot think of the title! I read it about a year ago. The plot is sort of a mystery regarding a missionary murdered in Cambodia (I think!) He was killed by a...
Not sure if I am on the right section, but here goes. I am looking for a Sirdar knitting pattern No 3008. It would seem that this is discontinued. It is for a baby coat. If anyone can let me know...
With the 11th Nov nearing us I am wondering if my feelings are shared with others. The wearing of poppies correctly really bugs me! I was always told the right way to wear your poppy was as follows....
I have been asked by my church to draw up a plan for this year's christmas carol. I dont have an idea on how to go as the church wants something different from the usual carol. Please assit me.
i dont own one single piece of makeup but i have just been for a trial hair and makeup sesh for my upcoming wedding. thrilled with the result, but now im home and realise ive got to get this slap off...
How can i get rid of an anoying little box called "WINDOWS INSTALLER" that keeps popping up when it seems to do nothing. It keeps saying " PREPARING TO INSTALL" but does nothing...
Can anyone tell what the difference is between the Dill and the Fennel plant when you look at it. I had a fennel plant in my last garden and it grew to about 4 feet high and tasted like aniseed,...
Hi All, Gypsy tart is my absolute favourite thing but the lack of local bakeries now means Im having to resort to attempting to make it myself...well easier said then done... i have followed the...
Anyone know where I can get modern chochet patterns from. The only ones I seem to be able to find are old fashioned & frumpy.
Many thanks,
Jersey, C.I.
Where can i find the lovely strapless jersey dress I've seen about recently. It's got a large red flower on the skirt that goes around to the back. I'm sure I've seen it on the high street but i can't...
If you and your neighbour were both single and you liked them would you do anything about it or would you steer clear in case anything went wrong and you still had to live next door to them. I fancy...
This is a question on the above theme which I assume means the answer is a plant of some kind. Advice for Hamilton (no number of letter given) Any clues to this one please?
My friend has the following problem: She was with this guy for 2.5 years, they were engaged. He lived half an hour away and she did all the travelling as he couldn't drive. He was generally quite...
My friend has given up chocolate for Lent but is really struggling. Is there any loophole that allows for just a little bit of the aforementioned without offending Him? I heard somewhere (Chris Evans?...