Hi there my partner has a chance to go to Holland with work next week, i've just checked his passport & it's out of date! :-( Does anyone know a way of getting 1 fast & how much?? I know it's most...
Alright, so I took my computer in to have the left speaker replaced and the people who were fixing it, without my knowing, wiped my hard drive. Since I never imagined they would have a reason to do...
This countries biggest problem, laid firmly at Labour's door. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-104713 6/Immigration-soars-fold-Labours-open-door-pol icy.html
I am looking to upgrade my PC which I built about 5 years ago so I only really want a new motherboard and processor so I can reuse all my other stuff. I am looking at getting a fairly high spec so I...
When Blair was P.M the cry went out that he was away on foreign trips sorting out the World's woes and ignoring the troubles at home, now Brown's in charge the cry goes out that he should be in...
I was silly at 17 got in with the wrong crowd and took out a t mobile contract. I sold the phone and moved house, i only got it as I knew i was moving I was only 17 and gave them my id but no proof of...
I would greatly appreciate some help. I have a 20GB file that I am trying to move to a 120GB External Hard drive that has 82.4GB free space. But, when I try to drag and drop in Windows Explorer(XP) or...
I recently met a woman online and she says she is love with me and wants to move here from Nigeria. She bought a plane ticket,but she wanted 200.00 for the balance of the ticket. Her Uncle gave her...
Pleeeeeese, that Rex gets nominated this week because I'm sure the public will vote him out... I think Nicole would be bearable without him (just) If not, get Mo out, surely others agree.
Does any knwo if there are remote controls for a PC as i tend to watch movies & stuff on iplayer on there and think a remote control, just like for a normal TV, would be very handy. Any ideas ? and...
Females are unable to inherit their father's estate http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-104581 5/Worlds-oldest-mother-70-pleased-male-heir-de clares-daughter-burden.html What idiot gave this 70y...
Hello i was wondering if anyone can help me at all please im trying to download psp9 ( Paint shop Pro 9) on my laptop (Vista) its installs ok but when i try and open it it wont open and keeps saying...
We all know the switchover from analogue to digital is coming and for some it has already happened. There is much said about getting ready for it and that every TV in the house must be prepared for...
I just moved from Michigan to Florida about 2 months ago. I'm turning 21 in two weeks and I need to renew my drivers license. Is it possible to get a Florida drivers license, or do I need to renew it...
I bought a new laptop 9 months or so ago with Vista Home Premium on it. (painfully slow in comparison to my Vista PC but I know that laptops are like that) Would it be possible to replace the...
Hi My PC running Windows XP Home does not update it is set for automatic updates but does not. I only had it re-installed last week in the shop and it updated ok then,when i try now it goes thro the...