why are some songs different when there played on radio or on tv (like they have an extra verse or the words are a bit different)- it's so annoying espically when you cant get hold of the version you...
i was in the supermarket today, and there was a great song that came on, im not sure whether the song is new or old, i did hear it on the radio a couple of days ago. I think its sung by a bloke, and...
Not sure if I'm in the right category, but really hoping someone could help me here as it's driving me crazy! I've recently bought a new yamaha DGX620 digital piano. It has a USB port so you can...
This is in no way intended to offend anyone, and I am very much hoping for a civil and serious response. I have just read, regarding the 'teacher in Sudan' issue, that some people are clamouring for...
Hello everyone sorry this is a bit of a silly post but I saw a film a while ago and I cannot remember much about it only that I want to see it again. The only things I can recall are as follows - Some...
Can anyone help me in my search for an agent or management company that could get my brother's pop single released. He's written a corker and I'm sure it's going to be a hit... The only problem I'm...
I watched sean penn's new film last night and in it there is a scene where there is a dancer on stage dancing in front of sean penn. can anyone please tell me what the tune was she was dancing to?...
Silly question I know but have been scouring HMRC and cannot make head nor tail of it! I am now registered as self employed, was previously employed by a company. I quit my full time job end of March...
Might be in the wrong category... here goes! Did anyone else see Ms Winehouse on Parkinson last night? If so, does anyone know the name of the song she sang? I really liked it and want to buy a copy,...
Silly question I'm sure, but am sitting here talking with a friend and we were trying to ascertain which are the most senior roles in the traditional UK cabinet. Can anyone help us out here? I have...
I know this is a pointless question (so why ask, you may well ask?!) - well, anyway, I was thinking recently about all the songs I really rate highly, and they all have something in common, - namely,...
I don't know what this song is called, or who made it. I just remember a woman saying "do you wanna go to bed with me" in the song. A popular song in the middle (i think) of the 90's.. Please help.....
Dear all, I have two cats who have always been healthy eaters - let's just say they enjoy their food times! They are still young (just over 2yrs I believe) and, on a recent visit to the vet, he told...
Yesterday in Woolies a young lad of ten was being bought a prezzie by his Gran.He wanted The Black Parade(My Chemical Romance)but after speaking to an assistant his Gran wouldn`t buy it because of bad...
Can anyone remember the name of these french chewy sweets? They are basically small chews, in flavours above, and I believe you COULD only get them in France, in a bag rather than a tube. They're...
My dad's cat has just had two lovely kittens. My dad is now concerned that they may need worming. I think they are a few weeks old. Does anyone know what he needs to do for them at this early stage of...
Dear all This is a bit hopeless but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained, right?! My partner was trying tonight to remember a film that he believes he saw in the mid 90s. This is all I can give you -...