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As I get older, all the music in my record collection sounds duller. Have my perceptions changed or do ears hear things differently after time?
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I'm an American who watches your BBC reports with interest. Whenever there are stories about soccer, what do they mean by yobs?
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I want to buy a recently decent bottle of scotch for a pal. What do you recommend?
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What is a bain-Marie?
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What were the names of all the Wombles?
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Which 80s TV drama was based on a North Sea ferry?
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jayne b-t
What does it mean and how should it be sung?
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Channel 4 and the Observer voted Imagine the best number 1. Give me a break. Mawkish and sentimental. Voodoo Chile by Hendrix - easy!
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Who recorded, as a 'B' side - "somebody's gonna get their head kicked in tonight" and what was the 'A' side
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The 90s industrial rock that some bands are playing and the audiences are, apparently, appreciating better, is a sign of the times, rock decadence or renewal? What do you think about this?

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