Just out of curiosity which tennis court surface is deemed the fastest, grass or clay, or are there others played on by the professionals? Thanks
Why are most Eurovision songs so bad? It gets an enormous audience and s a fantastic showcase for songwriters as well as singers, so why do all these nations churn out such tosh? It doesn't even...
Michael McIntyre's "unexpected star" - how could she possibly have managed that performance in a day, let alone the hour we are led to believe. Bits of the Geri Horner looked set up too, don'tcha...
I know it's for good causes, but if you're having a night of comedy at least make it funny. I've not laughed once, but I've cringed loads of times. You?
how do you like it? It just doesn't work for me. Besides, there are so many ex players who'd give their right arm for the job and obviously have a far greater knowledge of the game