So its a diet of carrots and nothing else. Even if you dont live longer it will certainly feel like it! No one took notice of the more lax guidelines so whoon earth is going to take a jot of notice of...
Why do we have so many anti-Islam posts on this site. Rarely a day goes by without one or more of these offensive posts appearing. Give it a rest, for goodness sake, you've made your point.
When asked what she would do with the money if she won. She said she would get her cats teeth done. They needed scraping and if she had enough she would have diamonds implanted in the poor moggies...
Good morning! A very early reminder to all mushroom hunters out there - this one isn't any good, no matter how much butter and garlic you cook it with!...
I've just noticed I have a geranium in flower on the patio. Also daffodils are just about to burst into flower. What is going to happen to all the plants later in the year? I always thought they...
I will try & put this in the best way I can!!!!!!!!! for some, our lads fighting other Countries wars & face prosecution, would you fight for this Country?...
more kow towing and bending over to suit muslims why not...
when public infrastructure breaks what will the government do, we cannot absorb so many people, i dare not think of the future for our children's children....
Certainly does not look good.
And Comrade Corbyn and his brothers in alms answer to this problem: Spend more!
Cutbacks to Sea / River defences, I'm sure the Government's to blame, why should the poor people that's suffered through this trauma have their Household Insurance Increased, I think the Government...
If there is one thing guaranteed to get my goat (and there are many), it is people on news/current affairs programs answering every question with " So........" there's a guy on Newsnight doing it...
Someone I knew a long time ago has made contact as they are in my area one weekend. They are a couple with a dog who suggest it would be good to meet up after all these years . On the next contact it...
I live on the edge of a woodland/wildlife preserve. Amongst the wildlife that are seen regularly are... Birds Bats Foxes Badgers Squirrels Swans Ducks ....and rats. Just curious as to why rats get a...