Is it really true that a male Muslim must kill himself if he sees a naked woman other than from his immediate family? If it is, does this practice count for followers living in western countries? I...
1dn: Composer is god if he changes ends (6) b?a?l? 5ac: Fight with Queen's violinist? (7) s?r???? 7dn: Zoroastrian river piece (8) ??r???a? 8dn: Restore what may have been overeaten heartlessly (8)...
I'm just stuck on two (amazingly I seem to have done the rest!) 22 across: Geek in college? Look around (5) CHE_P 27 down: Cleric's female - that's official (3) RE_ I'd love to know how the wordplay...
4d) Wasted away, time for rule about fanaticism (5) TABI?
Could this be tabid or tabis? Cannot get my head around the wordplay, so any help and explanation would be very welcome.
sorry back again, still stuck on 2, help Please. 17d Hidden, undisclosed (8) ?l?e?i?r. 20d Restaurant patron and sergeant-major, perhaps (7) O?d?r?r. (I think those letters are correct) Thanking you....
Managed nine out of ten of section on Proverbs, phrases and sayings. Each is one of the above and the clue is the first letter of each of the words. I am stuck on F I S T F Cannot think of it!!!! TIA...
Yes, I'm still on last weeks! I have a full grid, have highlighted the primes (14 of them?) (Does it mean highlight the whole clue or just the cell with the prime number in it?) But now I am...
Stuck on the following...thanks in advance for any help 25a (4-2-2) Burning of heretic now mostly takes place within metal walls. (I have --T- -- -E) 28a (8) Cameron and Osborne's last plab in...
1D London recreation area, begins with H. 2 words 9,5 11A glided on ice. 4 letters - - i - 17A Oops 6,2 13D not discouraged 10 etters 15A Group of sailiing vessels. 8 letters Thank you for your help...
A notice before pressing submit saying, 'please ensure you have read the question properly and understood what the poster means before responding' I know it should go without saying but its seems some...