Have you noticed how in soaps a new character will enter with one type of personality and before you know it they are the complete opposite. Billy Mitchell and Minty both joined Eastenders as nasty...
This weeks Come Dine With Me is so funny, what a mad mix! Is Chantelle for real? Africaaa, haha and nobody backed up Bobby trying to put her right, he is fascinated by the lot of them and Pete Burns...
Anyone know who they're rooting for in the semi's yet?
I reckon Kirsty and the bird from the coffee adverts will be the first two to go... Looking forward to next week! :c)...
Any bright sparks any idea why my Sky Plus won't record Watch or Watch +1 channel? I can see them they just won't record. Not at all..even when not on timer. I can't miss Masterchef Australia