At the beginning of Paramount films they show a mountain with all the stars around it, does anyone know which mountain it is they are depicting? Thanks, warpig1
I got a crock pot tra la la la la. Ok folks, eventually went for a 3.5ltr pot with oval ceramic, removeable, dishwasher safe dish, yippee!! Only problem is that I don't have any recipies, so if anyone...
This is really doing my head in, why, when characters are in their houses and someone is outside who they are 'hiding from' do they lift the net curtains and look out, or lift the venetian blind and...
While sitting at a Hotel Bar in London last Monday, I swear that I saw former UDF member Michael Stone having a drink. Friends say that due to the storming of Stormont a couple of weeks back, he is...
For a change, this year I want to replicate good old british BBQ cooking on the Xmass turkey. What is the best way to cook a 20 pound turkey so it is burnt on the outside and still frozen on the...
Just switched on to watch corrie. It said due to legal reasons the programme cannot be shown (monday nights). Would it be the one with Tracey Barlow burning herself with the iron.
Eek, Im having one next week and would love to know what one is like. Plus any ideas on what they think might be wrong with me, I have been regurgitating my food quite a lot and have succeeded in a...
My 3 year old son has just had me in fits with something he just said. He has just been to the loo and it was a little bit, loose , shall we say, he looked in the toilet and exclaimed, "urghh, its...