My sister-in-laws golden retriever is 12 years old. he is whimpering when he moves and panting. his chin is wet and his tummy is going in and out when he is breathing. have rung the vet who said to...
I have used Frontline on my cats for years. today when I was brushing one of my cats I found a live flea, should I change treatment, if so what to, any recommendations would be appreciated.
Well have just finished off cleaning my windows - back ones are massive - like shop windows - they are just dazzling.
I use WD window cleaner from Lidl. Nice tip. I love it....
I'm after some really nice and soft bedding but in a cotton type fabric rather than anything silk/satin like or jersey. I was looking on Argos and they have 100% Egyptian cotton bedding which is £11...
My spaniel bitch is lovely and friendly, very curious and a bit of a coward where larger dogs are concerned, she has decided that we have to go the way she decides when out for our walks, she's so...
Our local council has forced us to have a water meter and our bills are now higher than before. Two adults, one shower each per day, how can that add up to £500.00 plus a year? The meter is in the...
I'm at a loss, something's been eating my cyclamen plant leaves for weeks, and now the crocus flowers are being devoured too!.....any ideas please?....
This Christmas I want to do something different. I want to decorate my home totally different. Should I go for any theme or have to buy decorative items. Sometime I think that I should use decorative...
I went to a show at the weekend and tasted some commercially made onion marmalade which was nice. However, having won free tickets to the event and not having alot of spare cash the deals was too much...
Hi all, Just rang to book my dog in for his booster and nearly choked when she said it was £47.99!!?? and if I wanted a health check (which consists of her looking at his teeth and ears for 3...
My aunt is 88 yrs old,she was hurt in an accident about 4 yrs ago and is disabled now.Her neighbours across the road from her volunteered to get her pension for her,lotto tickets and bits of...
How can I wrap a Christmas cake up safely but also protect the icing, especially a little Christmas tree design that I've made myself on top using some green food coloring?
My bitch had a season around two months ago and although she always wore pants and my male was kept away during this time there is one time they could have possibly mated just after she came out of...
I have a little one bedroom flat which I rent out privately to a divorced guy: about eight months ago he phoned me to let me know that his ex-wife was financially crippling him, and...
do you know how old you are? I ALWAYS have to work it out. This has only happened since I turned 40. When I was 7 I could have told you to the month - I'm 7 and 4 months. Worse, I have to think what...
So I've gone out today, bought all my family Xmas cards, written in them and hand delivered them all. Okay, it's only October, so is this wrong, or am I just well organised ?? In my defense, I do...